Saturday, July 10, 2010

I so dearly hope that won't happen again...

So, I deleted all my previous posts. They were so teenage. The last thing I want to be is a typical teenager whining about life in a blog. That disgusts me.

Lately I have given the Salem witch trials a lot of thought. It absolutely blows my mind that a group of silly teenage girls would make up such lies. Lies that killed many innocent people. Why would they do such a thing? Lying, causing panic and basically putting Innocent people to death. 19 people were hung, one crushed to death, and at least four died awaiting trail. 150 people were arrested and imprisoned. I wonder if these girls has mental disabilities of some sort. Some experts think that these girls behavior was due to fungus ergot, which is found in breads. My research leads me to come to the personal conclusion that these were just incredibly stupid girls with twisted brains. Maybe they were possessed by the devil. It makes more sense than their faulty accusations.

What really worries me is that I could name stupid teenage girls who would do that and think they are oh so funny and clever. And history repeats itself. So what's next?